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The Copenhagen Bench: Turning heads and starting conversations

August 1, 2024

With the Copenhagen Bench, TV 2 Denmark succeeded in putting climate change on the agenda through an untraditional and engaging campaign that made the consequences of climate change tangible to everyone.

Making climate change tangible to everyone

Many people have become desensitised to climate change reports and images of melting icebergs. As one of the largest public service broadcasters in Denmark, TV 2 felt an obligation to find a new way to engage Danes in the conversation.

The goal was to create an untraditional campaign that would make the Danes talk about climate change and the fact that everyone is responsible for taking action and changing course.

In order to engage the Danes in the conversation, and to make the consequences of climate change tangible to everyone, TV 2 turned to a Danish design icon – The Copenhagen Bench. To match the UN Climate Report’s estimate for the rise of sea-level by the year 2100, they created 15 benches from upcycled metal and recycled wood, all elevated by 85 cm.

A cobber plate on the front of the bench reads:

Flooding will become part of our everyday life unless we start doing something about our climate. According to the latest UN Climate Report, sea-levels are expected to rise with up to 1 meter before 2100 if the global warming continues.

The benches were placed at central locations in Denmark’s largest cities, and they immediately grabbed people’s attention. With the Copenhagen Bench, TV 2 succeeded in raising awareness and putting climate change on the agenda. The campaign went viral in both Danish and international media and achieved a reach of 370 million people.

Research shows that the campaign made 1 out of 3 Danes talk about climate change. But most importantly, the campaign made 8 out of 10 Danes agree that everyone has a responsibility to take action and changing course, something that is critical in moving towards a more sustainable future.

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About TV 2 Denmark

TV 2 Denmark is one of the biggest public service broadcasters in Denmark as well as one of the most influential Danish media companies. Their strategy is to keep making a significant impact at a time when the Dane’s media consumption is changing rapidly.

TV 2’s vision is to connect the Danes around “All that we share” and show people that there is more that connects them than divides them.
