The Danish Climate Alliance - Klimaalliancen – is a pioneering initiative aimed at strengthening Denmark's resilience against the escalating challenges of climate change. This comprehensive project embodies a collaborative effort between local government, a green think tank, an international climate NGO, foundations, and civil society to mitigate the climate crisis.
The Danish Climate Alliance initiative sees all 98 municipalities and five regions collaborating to combat climate change head-on. At its core lies a commitment to collective action and innovation.
The Climate Alliance emerged as a response to the urgent need for coordinated, collaborative efforts to address climate change. With each municipality and region fully engaged, the Danish approach is both comprehensive and inclusive, reflecting a shared understanding of the magnitude of the challenge and the necessity for unified action.
At the heart of the Climate Alliance success lies its innovative approach to climate action planning. Drawing on an internationally recognized method developed by C40 Cities and tailored for Denmark by CONCITO, municipalities have developed ambitious climate action plans. These plans, approved by C40, aim to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 76 percent by 2030. Moreover, they encompass long-term strategies to adapt to the changing climate landscape, ensuring Denmark is prepared for the challenges ahead.
The significance of Denmark's nationwide collaboration reverberates internationally. The Danish municipalities and Regions’ participation at the UN's climate conference COP28 serves as a testament to the country's subnational leadership in climate action. Here, the Climate Alliance delegation shared insights into the country's local climate efforts, highlighting the power of multilevel cooperation in addressing global challenges.
The Danish Climate Alliance is a 5-year partnership between Realdania, the five regions of Denmark, and Local Government Denmark (KL). The aim of the partnership is to support the execution of the climate action plans all Danish municipalities have made or are currently making, to reach the goals set in the Paris agreement.